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Father-Daughter Relationship Psychology: An Analysis of an Animation

By Dr. Hamed Bakhshi

In both literature and the world of cinema, maternal love has often received more attention than paternal love. The portrayal of fathers in books, films, or even children’s stories is frequently associated with terms such as “strictness,” “upbringing,” and “discipline.” This incomplete and inaccurate narrative has become so ingrained in our minds that, unconsciously, we envision a figure solely focused on organizing our lives when we hear the term “father,” without considering their specific interests and beliefs.

👈👈👈 This animation narrates the indescribable and unconditional love of a daughter for her father; a father who left her side forever when she was just a child.

✅✅✅ The final moments of “Father and Daughter” resonate with the heart of every viewer. This animation tactfully touches upon a universal aspect of human emotions known to all: longing and the eagerness for reunion. The bitter-sweet ending of “Father and Daughter” transforms this piece from a very good animation into a masterpiece that cannot be adequately expressed in words.

Educational Note: The emotional void left by a father in the lives of daughters within a family can lead to numerous social issues and challenges. Many contemporary girls, ensnared in societal abnormalities and events, suffer from the emotional void created by their fathers and seek to compensate for this deficiency through relationships with the opposite gender in society.

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