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Women of Influence
Women of Influence short biographies

Women of Influence

Seyyedeh Nosrat Begum Amin

Seyyedeh Nosrat Begum Amin (1883–1986), known as Banu Amin, was a prominent Shia scholar, jurisprudent, mystic, and interpreter, famous for her commentary titled "Makhzan al-Irfan." She published numerous works under the pseudonym "Banu Iranian."

Banu Amin studied under scholars such as Seyyed Ali Najafabadi and received authorization for narration and ijtihad from Mohammad Reza Najafi Isfahani, Sheikh Abdul Karim Haeri, and others. Ayatollah Marashi Najafi, Allameh Amini, and others also granted her permission for narration.

Seyyedeh Nasrat Amin was actively involved in social and cultural issues. She fought against the forced unveiling law during the Pahlavi regime and established schools.

Numerous academic and spiritual figures have expressed their views on Banu Amin's scholarly and spiritual status. Mohammad Taghi Jafari stated that considering the elevated spiritual ranks achieved by Iranian women, Banu Amin should be counted among the elite scholars who contribute to the birth of a new life through acquiring knowledge. He also mentioned that based on the scholarly works available, she can be recognized as one of the eminent scholars of Shia Islam.

Seyyed Mohsen Amin quoted Seyyed Shahab al-Din Marashi Najafi describing Banu Amin as the unique figure of her time and the authority of women in her era. Ayatollah Morteza Motahhari recounted his encounter with Banu Amin, emphasizing her profound knowledge.

Figures such as Allameh Amini, Rahim Arbab, Allameh Tabatabai, Seyyed Shahab al-Din Marashi Najafi, Mohammad Taghi Jafari, Morteza Motahhari, Seyyed Hashem Haddad, and Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Tehrani visited her to discuss academic matters related to their fields.

Banu Amin was born in Isfahan during the late reign of Naser al-Din Shah in 1274 (1895). Her father, Seyyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini Isfahani, known as Amin al-Tajjar, was a prominent and pious merchant, and her mother, Zahra, was from the respected Janabi family of Isfahan. Nasrat Amin married her cousin, Haj Mirza Agha, known as Moein al-Tajjar, a renowned and devout merchant, at the age of thirteen. They had eight children, seven of whom died during her lifetime due to unknown diseases and contagious illnesses prevalent at that time.

Banu Amin passed away on Tuesday, 23rd of Khordad, 1362 (June 12, 1983), and was buried in Isfahan.

Banu Amin began her education at the age of five in a traditional school and started learning Arabic at eleven. At the age of twenty, she earnestly started studying religious sciences, syntax, and morphology, benefiting from eminent scholars who visited her home. She learned the fundamentals from Abu al-Qasim Zafarani and Ali Asghar Sharif, and at the age of thirty-two, she pursued jurisprudence, principles, and wisdom under Seyyed Ali Najafabadi. Most of her studies took place under his guidance.

Ijtihad and Authorization:
Banu Amin, at the age of forty-two in 1354 (1975), after twenty-three years of continuous effort in studying rational and transmitted sciences, received her first ijtihad and narration authorization from Mohammad Kazem Shirazi and Abdulkarim Haeri Yazdi. This was the first official authorization for ijtihad and narration granted to a woman, which has been acknowledged in scholarly and jurisprudential circles. Shortly after, she received another authorization letter from Ibrahim Hosseini Shirazi Isfahbani. In the month of Rabi' al-Awwal, 1357 (1978), she received narration authorization from Mohammad Reza Najafi Isfahani.

Banu Amin's published works include:
1. "Makhzan al-Irfan," a comprehensive commentary on the Quran in fifteen volumes, written in an argumentative, verbal, and narrative style.
2. "Al-Arba'iniyah al-Hashimiyyah fi Sharh Jumlah min al-Ahadith al-Waridah fi al-Ulum al-Diniyyah" (written in Arabic, translated into Persian by Banu Zaynab Sadat Homayouni).
3. "Makhzan al-Laila fi Fadail Mawla al-Mawali Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS)."
4. "Seer wa Suluk dar Ravesh-e Awliya-e Tariq-e Sa'ada."
5. "Ma'ad ya Akherin Seer-e Bashar."
6. "Ravesh-e Khoshbakhti va Tawsiyeh be Khwahan-e Emani."
7. "Akhlaq va Rah-e Sa'adat" (translation and excerpt from the book "Tahzib al-Akhlaq wa Tathir al-A'raq" by Maskuyeh).
8. "Nafahat al-Rahmaniyya fi al-Waridat al-Qalbiyya" (written in Arabic, translated into Persian by Mehdi Eftekhari as "Nasim-haye Mehrbani").
9. "Jami' al-Shatat" (written in Arabic).

Among Banu Amin's students are Zaynab Sadat Homayouni, Afat al-Zaman Amin, Rababeh Ilahi, and Batul Ghazi.

Mystical Revelations:
In her book "Nafahat al-Rahmaniyya," Banu Amin recounts revelations she received from the age of thirty. She describes inspirations that entered her heart. Religious figures and her disciples have also spoken about her mystical experiences and miracles.

Social Activities and Cultural Services:
Banu Amin openly opposed the forced unveiling law of the Pahlavi regime by boycotting designated gatherings and leaving Isfahan for a four-month residence in Qom. She actively contributed to social issues by writing articles for magazines and newspapers. Establishing Maktab Fatimah seminary in 1344 (1965) and Amin Girls' High School before the revolution were among her services.

Azar Andami

Azar Andami, an Iranian physician and bacteriologist, the only Iranian woman whose name is inscribed on the planet Venus, the inventor of the cholera vaccine, and one of the researchers at the Pasteur Institute of Iran. Due to her scientific and humanitarian services, a crater on the surface of the planet Venus has been named "Andami" after her.


Ms. Azar Andami was born in 1926 in a neighborhood called Saghrisazan in Rasht. She was the fourth child and only daughter of the family. Dr. Andami graduated from high school in 1946. In 1947, she was employed by the Ministry of Culture and became a teacher. In 1950, while working, she obtained a diploma in natural sciences through an exam. In 1952, she passed the University of Tehran entrance exam and was accepted into the Faculty of Medicine. Finally, in 1958, she obtained her medical degree and immediately began her specialization in obstetrics and gynecology. After completing her specialization, she was transferred to the Ministry of Health at that time and eventually started working at the Pasteur Institute.


After a while, with the help of a scholarship from the Pasteur Institute, she went to Paris and obtained a certificate in bacteriology in 1967. In 1974, she succeeded in obtaining a specialist certificate in clinical laboratory sciences. She retired in 1978. She traveled to France and Belgium several times, and the result of these trips was scientific articles published in reputable journals. During her retirement, as she did not like to stay home, she went to Bahar Hospital and took over the management of the medical diagnostic laboratory there. After a while, she started treating women's and obstetric diseases in her husband's clinic on Hesam al-Saltaneh Street. In those years, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. One day, during an examination of a patient in the clinic, Dr. Andami lost her balance and fell on her, collapsing. On August 19, 1984, due to a pulmonary embolism caused by her severe illness, she passed away.

 In 1992, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) named a crater with a diameter of 30 kilometers at a longitude of 26 degrees 55 minutes and a latitude of 17 degrees 45 minutes with a central peak in the south of the planet Venus after Andami. Azar Andami was the only Iranian woman whose name was sent to this council. Her daughter was the founder of this work. The municipality of Rasht named a boulevard in Golsar New Town after her. The boulevard has been named after her as the Delman Boulevard.

Annemarie Schimmel

A Luminary of Academic Excellence

In the annals of academia, few luminaries shine as brightly as Annemarie Schimmel, whose unparalleled intellect and boundless passion for Islamic mysticism illuminated the corridors of knowledge. Born on April 7, 1922, in Erfurt, Germany, Schimmel's upbringing was akin to a symphony of scholarly inspiration, nurtured by parents steeped in culture and literature. From her earliest days, she displayed a prodigious intellect, skipping grades in secondary school and embarking on her academic odyssey at the University of Berlin at the tender age of seventeen.

A Transformative Encounter: Under the guidance of her mentor, the polymath Hans Heinrich Schaeder, Schimmel's academic journey took a transformative turn when she encountered the Divan of Jalaluddin Rumi. This encounter, akin to a bolt of lightning, ignited a flame within her soul that would burn brightly throughout her life. With an intuitive grasp of the profound ideas encapsulated in Rumi's poetry, Schimmel embarked on a lifelong exploration of Islamic mysticism, guided by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding.

Undeterred by Turmoil: Despite the tumultuous backdrop of World War II, Schimmel's scholarly pursuits remained undeterred. In 1941, at the tender age of nineteen, she achieved a remarkable feat by earning her doctorate with a dissertation on late medieval Egypt. Yet, fate had more in store for this extraordinary scholar. Drafted into the Foreign Office and subsequently interned following the war's end, Schimmel found herself amidst a community of intellectuals in Marburg, where she founded a "camp university" and imparted knowledge on Islamic topics from atop a double-decker bunk.

A Scholar's Journey: In 1951, Schimmel's academic prowess was further affirmed with a second doctorate in the History of Religions, a testament to her unwavering commitment to scholarly excellence. However, it was her tenure in Turkey from 1954 to 1959 that provided fertile ground for her intellectual growth. Immersed in the rich tapestry of Turkish culture and spirituality, Schimmel's fascination with Rumi and Muhammad Iqbal reached new heights, laying the foundation for her future contributions to the field.

Harvard Calling: In 1967, Schimmel's journey took her across the Atlantic to Harvard University, where she graced the hallowed halls as Lecturer on Indo-Muslim Culture. A beacon of knowledge and wisdom, she captivated students with her dynamic teaching style and profound insights into Sufism. Her classes on mystical dimensions of Islam were legendary, attracting students from far and wide who sought to bask in the glow of her wisdom.

Legacy of Enlightenment: Throughout her illustrious career, Schimmel authored over a hundred books in English and German, each a testament to her deep understanding of Islamic culture and spirituality. Her verse translations of Islamic poetry, undertaken with the precision of a master craftsman, served as bridges between cultures, fostering understanding and appreciation across boundaries. Schimmel's legacy transcends the confines of academia, embodying the spirit of intellectual inquiry and cultural exchange. Her tireless dedication to fostering East-West understanding continues to inspire scholars and students alike, ensuring that her light will forever shine bright in the annals of history.

Fāṭima al-Zahrāʾ (PBUH)

Introduction: The Illustrious Legacy of a Woman of Influence

Fatimah (SA), also known as Fatimah Zahra, was born on the 5th of the Islamic month of Biʿtha (approximately 615 AD) and is the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Khadijah Kubra (SA), as well as the wife of Imam Ali (AS). She is one of the five members of the Ahl al-Kisa (People of the Cloak), whom the Shia Muslims believe to be infallible. The second and third Imams of Shia Islam, Zainab (SA), and Um Kulthum are her daughters.

Early Life and Titles

Unveiling the Life and Titles of Fatimah Zahra

Fatimah is known by various titles, including Zahra, Batul, and Sayyidat an-Nisa al-Alamin (Leader of the Women of the Worlds). She is also referred to as Umm Abiha (Mother of her Father). Fatimah was the only woman accompanying the Prophet (PBUH) during the Mubahala incident with the Christians of Najran.

Accompanying the Prophet

Fatimah: A Companion in Adversity and Triumph

Verses of the Quran, such as the Verse of Purification, the Verse of Affection, and the Verse of Feeding, as well as hadiths like the Hadith al-Thaqalayn, highlight the significance and virtues of Fatimah. The Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have declared Fatimah as the greatest woman in the two worlds and emphasized that her anger or pleasure is reflective of the anger or pleasure of Allah.

Marriage and Social Engagements

The Union of Fatimah and Imam Ali: A Covenant of Support

Little information is available about Fatimah's childhood and adolescence. Reports mention her accompanying the Prophet (PBUH) against the hostilities of the polytheists, her presence in the Shi'b Abi Talib.

In historical and narrative reports, it is mentioned that Fatimah (peace be upon her) expressed love to Ali (peace be upon him) in various ways, even in the presence of the Prophet, and referred to him as the best husband. It is reported that Fatimah addressed Ali with affectionate words at home and referred to him among people using the title Aba al-Hasan. Reports also suggest that Fatimah adorned her home with fragrance and decorative items.

The early period of Fatimah and Ali's life was accompanied by challenging economic conditions, and at times, they struggled to find enough food for Hassan and Hussain (peace be upon them). However, Fatimah did not complain about the situation and sometimes engaged in weaving to contribute to the household income.

Based on the Prophet's recommendation, Fatimah preferred to handle domestic affairs herself and delegated external matters to Ali. When she sent Fadak as a servant to her home, Fatimah would personally perform half of the household chores and entrust the other half to Fadak. According to some reports, at Fatimah's suggestion, one day Fadak would handle the household duties, and the next day Fatimah herself would take care of them.

Imam Ali, in turn, showed great respect for Fatimah. A narration from Imam Ali states that neither did he ever make Fatimah angry, nor did Fatimah ever make him angry. In the incident involving the request of Abu Bakr and Umar to meet Fatimah, Imam Ali addressed Ali by saying, "The house belongs to you, and this free woman who speaks with you is your wife. Let her do whatever she wishes."

In essence, these reports highlight the loving and respectful relationship between Fatimah and Ali, showcasing their mutual understanding and cooperation in both domestic and public matters.

Resistance and Opposition

Fatimah's Stance Against Usurpation and Oppression

During the Saqifah incident, Fatimah opposed the usurpation of Imam Ali's caliphate by Abu Bakr and refused to pledge allegiance to him. She delivered a sermon known as Khutbah al-Fadak during the property confiscation incident, defending the right of Imam Ali's leadership.

Tragic Demise and Spiritual Legacy

Martyrdom and Spiritual Inheritance of Hazrat Zahra (SA)

After the demise of the Prophet (PBUH) and the attack on her house by Abu Bakr's supporters, Fatimah suffered injuries, and, shortly after, she attained martyrdom on the 3rd of Jamadi al-Thani, 11 AH, in Medina. According to her instructions, her burial was carried out secretly, and the exact location of her grave remains unknown.

Spiritual Treasures: Mushaf Fatimah and Khutbah al-Fadak

Exploring the Mushaf Fatimah and Khutbah al-Fadak

The supplications of Hazrat Zahra (SA), the Mushaf Fatimah, and the sermon known as Khutbah al-Fadak are part of her spiritual legacy. The Mushaf Fatimah is a book containing inspirations revealed to her by the divine angel, transcribed by Imam Ali (AS). According to traditions, it was in the possession of the Imams and is currently with Imam al-Mahdi (AS).

Role Model and Commemoration

Fatimah (SA) in Shiite Culture: Role Model and Symbol of Mourning

Shiites consider Fatimah as their role model and mourn her martyrdom during the days of Fatimiyya. In Iran, the anniversary of Fatimah's birth (20th of Jumada al-Thani) is celebrated as Women and Mother's Day, and the names Fatimah and Zahra are among the most common names for girls.

Assault on Fatimah's House

The Historical Account of Abu Bakr's Assault on Fatimah's House

In response to the assault by Abu Bakr's supporters on Imam Ali's house, Fatimah stood against them, resisting the forced pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakr. According to Ibn Abd Rabbah, a Sunni scholar from the 3rd and 4th centuries AH, after Abu Bakr learned of the opposition in Fatimah's house, he ordered an attack, instructing to break in and engage in combat. Umar, accompanied by others, went to Fatimah's house, demanding the occupants to leave. He then threatened to set the house on fire if they resisted. After this threat, the attackers forcibly entered the house. In the confrontation, Fatimah, who was behind the door, suffered injuries due to the pressure and the blows from Umar. It resulted in the miscarriage of her son, Mohsen (AS). Some reports suggest that Fatimah was placed between the door and the wall by Umar and that he struck her side. Following this incident, Fatimah fell ill.

Fatimah's Infallibility

Understanding the Infallibility of Hazrat Fatimah (SA)

According to Allama Majlisi, Shia Muslims unanimously agree on the infallibility of Hazrat Fatimah (SA). The Verse of Purification, Hadith al-Thaqalayn, and other narrations about the infallibility of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) contribute to the understanding of Fatimah's infallibility. According to the Verse of Purification, Allah desires to keep the Ahl al-Bayt free from impurities and, according to many Shia and Sunni traditions, Fatimah is considered one of the manifestations of the Ahl al-Bayt. The prerequisite for the infallibility of Hazrat Zahra (SA) is that she possesses the qualifications of prophets and imams, such as the authority of speech and conduct, religious leadership, interpretive ability, and the ability to explain the religion. Her practical life and stances serve as the criteria for distinguishing between right and wrong. She is considered a perfect role model in various aspects of life. In Sunni sources, some narrations and historical accounts also report that the Prophet (PBUH), referring to the Verse of Purification, declared his family, including Fatimah (SA), Ali (AS), Hasan (AS), and Husayn (AS), free from any sins.

Fatimah's Defense of Islam

Hazrat Fatimah's Movement: A Powerful Defense of Islamic Values

Hazrat Fatimah's movement begins with a comprehensive and multidimensional defense of Islam. Her approach is characterized by a powerful and logical force, relying on the exceptional logic found in the Quran and the traditions of the Prophet (PBUH). With courage, she addresses the main points of deviation, revealing them and articulating them as a fundamental protest movement. This movement fundamentally safeguards the sanctity of divine guardianship. It is a path that, when properly discovered and understood by society, can respond adequately to it and place it on a path that, in fact, forces deviations and pollutants away from the Islamic community. It keeps many Islamic values alive and preserves Islamic slogans to some extent, placing the community on a path where many Islamic values are correctly positioned.

Raushan Sarsembayeva

Roshan Sarsembayeva, born on April 29, 1956, in Astana, is a prominent figure in Kazakhstan, married, and a mother of two. Her notable roles include serving as the president of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan and being a member of both the National Commission on Women and Family and the Commission on Population Policy under the Presidency of Kazakhstan.

Leadership and Advocacy

With a Ph.D. in sociology, Sarsembayeva has been leading the Association of Women Entrepreneurs "Kazakhstan" since 1995, overseeing more than twenty branches across the country. This organization, boasting over a thousand members, annually extends its services to over five thousand women.

Academic and Professional Background

  • Master of Economic Sciences, Thesis: "Bases of Management of Technical Reconstruction of Food Companies in Kazakhstan" (1989)
  • Ph.D. in Sociology, Thesis: "Gender Aspects of Socio-economic Systemic Reforms in Kazakhstan: A Sociological Analysis" (2005)
  • Associate Professor in Sociology (2010)
  • Engineer and economist (1977 to 1981)
  • Postgraduate internship at the Institute of National Economy, Alma-Ata (1981)
  • Researcher and trainee postgraduate student at the Institute of National Economy, Alma-Ata (1981 to 1989)
  • Deputy Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies under the State Statistical Committee of the SSR Kazakhstan (1989 to 1991)
  • General Director of JSC Raushan (1991 to 1995)

Current Roles and Recognition

  • President of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan (1995 to present)
  • Member of the National Commission on Women and Family and Population Policy under the Presidency of Kazakhstan (from May 17, 2022)
  • Member of the GLOBAL SUMMIT OF WOMEN Global Women's Summit (since 2019)

Awards and Medals

Roshan Sarsembayevahas been honored with several medals, including:

  • Medal of the 10th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Medal of the 10th Anniversary of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Medal of the Second Degree (Atameken Union) in 2008
  • Medal NDP Nur Otan Belsendi kyzmeti ushin in 2011

Shafiqeh Wa’il

Early Years and Educational Achievements

Shafiqeh Wa'il, an accomplished Algerian researcher, boasts a Ph.D. in Arabic language and literature from the esteemed American University of Beirut. Her academic journey doesn't end there; she is currently poised to defend another Ph.D. thesis focusing on Quranic studies at the University of Batna in Algeria. This academic pursuit showcases her dedication to deepening her understanding of linguistic and spiritual dimensions.

Philosopher and Spiritual Researcher

Beyond her formal education, Shafiqeh Wa'il delves into philosophy, spirituality, and Islamic theology. Her multidisciplinary approach reflects a commitment to exploring the intricate connections between language, literature, and spirituality. This diverse academic background positions her as a thought leader with a unique perspective on the intersections of these fields.

Versatility in Poetry and Literary Exploration

Shafiqeh Wa'il emerges not only as a scholar but also as a poet. Her engagement with poetry and literature is evident in her references to Rumi's profound words in numerous tweets. Demonstrating a keen analytical mind, she seeks to unravel the depths of Rumi's philosophy, intertwining her scholarly insights with the beauty of poetic expression.

Cultural Impact and Popularity in Algeria

In Algeria, Shafiqeh Wa'il has become a prominent figure in the realm of poetry. Her literary contributions have garnered widespread popularity among the Algerian people, marking her influence not only as an academic but also as a cultural luminary. The cultural sector in Algeria bears witness to her positive impact and significant footprint.

International Engagements and Academic Contributions

Shafiqeh Wa'il's scholarly pursuits extend globally, as she actively participates in international conferences. Her engagements include lectures and presentations on themes revolving around Sufism, literature, and theology. These platforms serve as avenues for her to share her expertise and contribute valuable insights to global academic discussions.

Published Works and Literary Contributions

Her scholarly and literary output finds publication in reputable magazines such as "Al-Yamamah" and "Al-Dustur." These platforms amplify her voice and disseminate her research findings, reaching a wider audience interested in the intersections of spirituality, literature, and Islamic studies.

Shafiqeh Wa'il, with her diverse talents and intellectual breadth, stands as a beacon of knowledge, contributing significantly to academic dialogues, cultural enrichment, and the poetic landscape of Algeria.

Sabina Aliyeva

Sabina Aliyeva stands as a formidable advocate for human rights in Azerbaijan, contributing significantly to the promotion and protection of fundamental freedoms. Born on May 7, 1980, in Baku, she has emerged as a key figure with substantial influence both within Azerbaijan and on the international stage.

Early Life and Career in Public Service:
Commencing her career as a government employee, Sabina's dedication to public service became evident early on. In 2019, she earned the esteemed position of Inspector and Commissioner of Human Rights, a testament to her commitment to fostering a culture of respect for human rights within the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Educational Journey and Academic Achievements:
Sabina embarked on her academic journey at the Faculty of Law of Baku State University in 1996. Her pursuit of knowledge led her to earn a master's degree in state law in 2002. Subsequently, she delved into international relations at the Academy of Public Administration, culminating in the attainment of a Ph.D. in law in 2016.

Recognition and Awards for Public Service:
The recognition of Sabina Aliyeva's contributions to public service came in the form of prestigious awards. In 2013, she was honored with the "Distinction in Public Service" medal, followed by the "Service in the Field of Military Cooperation" medal in 2020, awarded on behalf of the President.

Leadership in the Constitutional Court Office:
Since 2015, Sabina has been serving as the Deputy Head of the Constitutional Court office, showcasing her expertise and leadership in legal matters. Her role in this capacity has further solidified her standing as a respected authority in Azerbaijan's legal landscape.

Personal Life and Family:
Beyond her professional achievements, Sabina Aliyeva is a dedicated wife and mother of two children. Her husband, Siavash Norouzaf, is a representative of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan and a member of the New Azerbaijan Party.

Sabina Aliyeva's Ongoing Commitment to Human Rights:
Sabina's journey reflects a lifelong commitment to the principles of human rights and public service. Her advocacy continues to make a lasting impact, setting a precedent for others to follow. As Inspector and Commissioner of Human Rights, she remains at the forefront of efforts to safeguard the rights and dignity of all individuals in Azerbaijan.

Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang

Born on November 22, 1951, in Cape Coast, Ghana, Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang has left an indelible mark as an academician and a public servant. Her illustrious career, educational achievements, and dedication to community service have made her a prominent figure in Ghana and beyond.

Educational Journey:
Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang embarked on her academic journey with a focus on French and English literature at the University of Cape Coast, earning her bachelor's degree in 1971. Her commitment to linguistic and literary studies took her to Cheikh Anta Diop University in Senegal, where she obtained a diploma in advanced French studies. Furthering her academic pursuits, she earned a master's degree in French literature from York University in Toronto in 1980 and later completed her PhD at York University in Ontario, Canada, in 1986.

Academic and Administrative Career:
In 1986, Opoku-Agyemang commenced her career at the University of Cape Coast. Over the years, she held various positions, managing departments such as English, arts, Adehye Hall, and the School of Graduate Studies and Research. Notably, she made history by becoming the first woman in Ghana to be appointed as the vice-chancellor of a university, marking a significant milestone in her career.

Political and International Recognition:
Beyond academia, Opoku-Agyemang ventured into politics and international affairs. From 2013 to 2017, she served as the Minister of Education in the Ghanaian government. Her expertise and contributions led to her election as the director of the Ghanaian delegation to UNESCO in 2009. In October 2018, she assumed the role of director of the African Women's University in Zambia.

Family and Philanthropy:
Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang is a proud mother of two sons and a daughter, all holding PhD degrees. Beyond her professional life, she is recognized for her philanthropic activities in Ghana, embodying a commitment to giving back to her community.

International Recognition:
Opoku-Agyemang's impact extends globally, as evidenced by her selection as a distinguished researcher to speak at the United Nations headquarters in New York in March 2007. Her address commemorated the 200th anniversary of the abolition of slavery.

Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang's journey is a testament to her resilience, academic prowess, and commitment to serving her nation. As a trailblazer in academia and politics, she continues to inspire future generations and remains an esteemed figure in both Ghana and Africa.

Misala Pramenković

Meet Misala Pramenković, a trailblazing Serbian politician who made history as the first female member of the Serbian Parliament to wear a hijab. Born on December 22, 1980, in Moroni Tutin, Serbia, Misala has become a symbol of diversity and representation in the political landscape.

Educational Journey:
Misala's educational journey reflects her commitment to knowledge and inclusivity. She completed her primary education in Moroni Tutin and graduated from the Gazi Isa Beg School in Novi Pazar. Her academic pursuits led her to the Faculty of Islamic Sciences in Sarajevo, where she earned both her master's and doctorate degrees at the International University of Novi Pazar.

Professional Contributions:
From 2007 to 2015, Misala served as the head of the Merjem Women's Association, demonstrating her dedication to community engagement. Currently, she holds significant roles as a member of the Novi Pazar City Assembly and Chairman of the Bosnian National Council of Serbia. As a professor at the Faculty of Islamic Studies and a member of the board of directors of Ghazi Isa Bey School, Misala actively contributes to education and cultural preservation.

Political Leadership:
Misala Pramenković has been an integral part of Muamer Zukorlic's Justice and Reconciliation Party since its establishment. Her political journey includes serving as a member and vice president of the party, a deputy of the National Assembly of Serbia, and an adviser to both the Novi Pazar City Assembly and the Bosnian National Council.

In the 2020 parliamentary elections, Misala made history by winning a parliamentary seat, becoming the first woman in a hijab to represent Serbia in the highest legislative body. Her entry into the Serbian Parliament was a landmark moment, drawing attention from media outlets nationwide.

Author and Family Woman:
Beyond her political roles, Misala Pramenković is an accomplished author, having published a book and contributed to numerous scientific conferences with her insightful articles. She is not only a dedicated professional but also a devoted wife and mother of four children.

Misala Pramenković's journey exemplifies resilience, breaking barriers, and advocating for diversity in Serbian politics. As the first female parliamentarian wearing a hijab, she has become a symbol of empowerment and representation, inspiring future generations in Serbia and beyond.

Yelena Borisovna Mizulina

Yelena Borisovna Mizulina, born on December 9, 1954, in Buy, Kostroma blast province of the Soviet Union, is a distinguished figure known for her contributions to law, education, and Russian politics. Her journey is marked by academic achievements, political roles, and controversial legislative initiatives.

Early Life and Education:
In 1972, Mizulina embarked on her academic journey at the Faculty of Law and History of Yaroslavl State University. It was during her university years that she met Mikhail Mizulin, her future husband. After marrying in her fourth year of undergraduate studies, they became parents to two children. Yelena successfully graduated in law in 1977, later working as a research assistant at the same university.

Academic and Professional Achievements:
Mizulina's career took shape with various roles and academic pursuits:

  • She served as a consultant and chief consultant of the Yaroslavl Regional Court between 1977 and 1984.
  • Mizulina obtained a two-year doctorate degree through distance learning from Kazan State University while working.
  • In 1985, she became a senior associate professor at Yaroslavl State Educational University, eventually becoming the head of the Russian history department in 1987 and the dean of the faculty in 1990.
  • Remaining a member of the Communist Party until 1991, she received a doctorate in law from the Institute of Government and Law in 1992.
  • Mizulina served as a part-time university professor from 1992 to 1995 and later became a professor at Yaroslavl State University.

Political Career:
Mizulina's political journey is extensive and impactful:

  • She served as a member of the State Duma from 1995 to 2003 and again from 2007 to 2015.
  • In 2015, Mizulina became a member of the Federation Council, representing Omsk province.
  • From 2011 to 2015, she led the Duma Committee on Family, Women, and Children Affairs.

Controversial Legislation and Sanctions:
Mizulina gained notoriety in 2012 for drafting controversial laws, including those related to community rights and the adoption of Russian orphans by foreigners. These initiatives sparked debates and criticism both domestically and internationally.

Due to her role in the Crimea crisis, Mizulina faced sanctions from Canada and the United States on March 17, 2014.

Social Engagement and Recognition:
Mizulina has been actively involved in regional politics, serving in the Omsk Duma region as a member of the Social Democratic Party of Russia. Her dedication and work have earned her the title of distinguished lawyer.

Yelena Borisovna Mizulina's multifaceted career reflects her significant contributions to academia, law, and politics. Her advocacy for social issues, coupled with her involvement in controversial legislation, positions her as a notable and polarizing figure in Russian public life.

Margarita Simonyan

Margarita Simonyan, born on April 6, 1980, into an Armenian family in Krasnodar, is an influential figure in the world of journalism and media. A renowned Russian TV presenter, journalist, and director of the international news agency Russia Today, her journey is marked by courage, achievements, and contributions to the global media landscape.

Early Years and Education:
Margarita's childhood was distinguished by various certificates and educational accomplishments. In a notable move, at the end of the 9th grade, she ventured to the United States for high school, showcasing her determination to explore different cultures and educational systems. Despite the allure of staying abroad, her heart led her back to her homeland, Russia, where she pursued her passion for journalism.

Journalistic Career:
Simonyan's journalism career began during her university years when she worked for a local newspaper, simultaneously contributing to local television. Her dynamic and active approach set her apart in the field. Her rise to fame occurred during her coverage of the Second Chechen War, displaying courage and earning her a special medal from the Russian government.

After graduating, she worked as a reporter and editor for Krasnodar TV and Radio Channel. Her notable reporting from conflict zones, including Chechnya, Abkhazia, and Beslan, garnered journalistic awards and recognition. In 2005, she was appointed as the project manager for the creation of the English-language TV channel Russia Today, showcasing her leadership skills at a young age.

Career Achievements:
Margarita Simonyan's career trajectory is a testament to her impact on Russian media:

  • Editor-in-Chief of "Russia Today": Simonyan's peak achievement was becoming the Editor-in-Chief of "Russia Today" news agency. Under her leadership, the network gained global prominence, adopting a format similar to BBC and CNN.
  • Media Personality: She has become the heart of Russian media, earning recognition as the most famous media personality in Russia. Her influence positions her as one of the most powerful figures in the country.

Noteworthy Roles and Honors:
Simonyan has held various roles and received notable honors throughout her career:

  • Government Member and Special Adviser: She became a member of the government and a special adviser to the president in radio and television.
  • Author: Simonyan is not only a journalist but also an accomplished author. At the age of eighteen, she published a collection of poems, and she received an award for her novel "To Moscow."

Awards and Recognition:
Margarita Simonyan's contributions have been acknowledged through prestigious awards, including the Friendship Medal, Vernatsi Founder's Medal, and the Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation.

Continued Influence:
Simonyan continues to be a force in Russian media, serving on boards, participating in political activities, and contributing to the arts.

Margarita Simonyan's journey from a young journalist to an influential media personality reflects her resilience, determination, and significant contributions to shaping the narrative in Russian and international media. Her impact extends beyond journalism, making her a multifaceted and powerful figure in Russia's cultural and political landscape.

Olya Vladimirovna Skabeyeva

Born on December 11, 1984, in Volzhsky, Volgograd Oblast, Olya Vladimirovna Skabeyeva has carved a prominent niche for herself in the world of journalism and television presentation. Widely recognized as the "Iron Doll of Putin's Television," Skabeyeva's career and influence extend beyond borders.

Family and Education:
Olya's upbringing is rooted in a family with a creative and technical background—her mother, an architect, and her father, a civil engineer. She wedded television journalist Yevgeny Popov, and the couple is blessed with a son named Zakhar, born in 2014.

Her educational journey began in a Russian-American private school before transitioning to a public high school, where she graduated with honors. It was during the ninth grade that Olya embraced her calling to journalism. She gained her initial experience in print media, contributing to popular local newspapers in Volzhsky and Volzhskaya Pravda.

Her pursuit of journalistic excellence led her to the Faculty of Journalism at St. Petersburg State University, where she graduated with distinction in 2008.

Career Milestones:
Olya Vladimirovna Skabeyeva's career commenced with roles at local newspapers, laying the groundwork for her ascent in the field. Her tenacity and dedication earned her the prestigious Russian Television Award in both 2017 and 2018, solidifying her status as a respected figure in the industry.

Personal Life:
Beyond her professional achievements, Olya's personal life is characterized by her marriage to television journalist Yevgeny Popov, and the joyous addition of their son, Zakhar, in 2014.

Global Recognition and Sanctions:
Skabeyeva's influence extends far beyond Russian borders, drawing attention and, at times, scrutiny. Notably, she has faced sanctions from various countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Switzerland, and Ukraine. These sanctions underscore her significant impact both within Russia and on the global stage.

Olya Vladimirovna Skabeyeva's journey from the local newspapers of Volzhsky to becoming a recognized journalist with international influence reflects her resilience, commitment to excellence, and the dynamism that characterizes her career. As the "Iron Doll of Putin's Television," she continues to shape narratives and contribute to the discourse in Russia and beyond.

A Letter to Wife of Western Leaders: Iran’s President Wife, Dr. Jamileh Alamolhoda, Calls for Unity and Humanity for Palestinians

Dear Madam,

With utmost respect and greetings,

It is with a heavy heart filled with sorrow that I beseech you to contemplate the events and their consequences concerning the plight of oppressed women and helpless children in Gaza. As human beings, witnessing the bitter occurrences in this small and beautiful part of our shared planet, Earth, we ought to feel a deep sense of shame. The preservation of human values calls for action from those who profess justice and freedom, and abhor oppression and adversity. It is expected, especially from a powerful and influential lady in Europe, whom we regard as the cradle of civilization, to take appropriate measures to assist the oppressed women and children of Gaza.

Truly, the world stands bewildered by the insensitivity of powerful leaders who support Israel through military aid. Their eyes and ears seem closed to the cries and suffering of the Palestinian people.

The advanced scientific and technological achievements of the West, which once heralded progress and well-being, are now mired in despair as all avenues for aid to Gaza are closed. How can one judge this silence and acquiescence in the face of the unconscionable use of unconventional weapons against the most deprived and oppressed people in the world?

Is cutting off water to thirsty children and imposing food and medicine sanctions on the injured and deprived justified by any moral principles or civil standards? Which legal norms, whether national or international conventions, can justify encouraging such massacres of women and children?

How have a group of people managed to present themselves as "Israel" (God's servant) while, through the expansion of policies of fear and hatred, they have only spread the dominion of malevolence? Do we think that the Almighty will let such crimes go unpunished? Did Moses, peace be upon him, issue any such permits for a nation, a group, or a party to forcibly expel innocent people from their homes and land, or to utterly destroy them? Will Jesus, the compassionate prophet, accept such cruelty towards the suffering children and women from us? Do these distinguished modern thought leaders who guide today's world in this age endorse any form of ethnic cleansing?

Madam, please, as a dedicated and compassionate woman, representing the women, mothers, and daughters of your land, implore your spouse to condemn the killing of innocent Palestinian children and women and take immediate and effective action towards achieving peace. I hope that in the face of your humane efforts, you will be recipients of divine blessings.

Jamileh Alamolhoda
Wife of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Dr. Haniye Turkian

Early Life and Education: Dr. Haniye Turkian, a remarkable individual with a multicultural background, was born in Iran to an Iranian father and an Italian mother. At the tender age of 5, she embarked on a journey that would shape her life, relocating to Italy where she spent her childhood. Her educational pursuits reflect her commitment to cultural understanding and religious studies. She began her academic journey by pursuing a bachelor's degree in Islamic Studies at the renowned Imam Khomeini Institute in Qom, Iran.

Academic Achievements: Dr. Turkian's educational path is a testament to her dedication and passion for her field. Here are the key milestones in her academic journey:

  • Bachelor's Degree in Islamic Studies: She completed her bachelor's degree in Islamic Studies at the University of Al-Zahra between 2001 and 2006, equipping her with a strong foundation in her area of expertise.
  • Specialized Course in Christian History: In 2010 and 2011, Dr. Turkian expanded her knowledge by pursuing a specialized course in Christian history, showing her commitment to interfaith understanding.
  • Ph.D. in Islamic Studies: Her academic journey culminated in the achievement of a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the University of Al-Zahra between 2011 and 2016, further enhancing her expertise in her field.

Professional Contributions: Dr. Turkian's professional contributions are a reflection of her dedication to fostering dialogue and understanding between cultures and religions. Her significant roles and activities include:

  • Translator and Scholar: Dr. Turkian has made substantial contributions as a translator of books related to Mary, Jesus, and Christianity from an Islamic perspective. Her work is instrumental in promoting interfaith dialogue and cultural exchange.
  • Religious Inquiry and Translation: She has also been actively involved in answering Shiite religious inquiries and translating selected Shiite supplications into the Italian language, facilitating the accessibility of Islamic teachings to a broader audience.
  • Director of the Department of Islamic Studies: Currently, Dr. Turkian serves as the Director of the Department of Islamic Studies at the International Studies Center of the Khaneye Danayi in Rome, a role that underscores her commitment to the promotion of Islamic studies in an international context.

Personal Life: Dr. Haniye Turkian is not only a dedicated scholar but also a loving mother of three children. Her ability to balance her professional commitments with her family life exemplifies her remarkable character.

Dr. Haniye Turkian's life and career are a shining example of how cultural diversity and academic excellence can be harnessed to foster greater understanding and cooperation between different communities and religions. Her work as a translator and scholar serves as a bridge between the Islamic and Christian worlds, promoting dialogue, mutual respect, and shared knowledge.

Muni Habrass Al-Salimiya

Muni Habrass Al-Salimiya, born in 1984 in Muscat, Oman, is a distinguished figure in the cultural and literary landscape of Oman. Currently residing in the vibrant city of Samail, Oman, Muni holds the esteemed position of Head of the Cultural and Media Department at the Beit Al-Zubair Cultural and Scientific Foundation.

Professional Journey: Muni Habrass Al-Salimiya's career is marked by a profound passion for culture, literature, and media. Her notable work experiences and accomplishments include:

  • Director of Cultural and Media Events: Muni has served as the Director of Cultural and Media Events at the Beit Al-Zubair Foundation, where she has played a pivotal role in fostering cultural engagement and artistic expressions.
  • Published Author: As a prolific writer, Muni has authored books that have left a lasting impact, including "Nature in Omani Novels 2013" and "A Shadow Falls on the Wall," reflecting her deep insights and creativity.
  • Recipient of Prestigious Award: In 2022, Muni achieved a remarkable milestone by winning the Sultan Qaboos Award for Culture, Arts, and Literature in the 9th edition, a testament to her outstanding contributions to the cultural and literary realm.
  • Contributor to Omani Newspapers: Muni has also made significant contributions to Omani newspapers through her insightful articles, enriching the intellectual discourse in the country.
  • Media Collaboration: Muni's influence extends to the world of media, where she has collaborated in the production of television and radio programs in Oman, furthering the dissemination of cultural and artistic content.
  • Versatile Author: Muni Habrass Al-Salimiya's talents transcend boundaries, as she is not only an author of literary works but also engages in philosophical and short story writing, showcasing her versatility as a writer.
  • Researcher: Muni has delved deep into the realms of Arabic literature and philosophy, enriching her understanding and contributing to the academic discourse as a dedicated researcher.

Educational Background: Muni's academic journey has been instrumental in shaping her intellectual prowess. Her educational achievements include:

  • Master's Degree: Muni earned a Master's degree in Arts from Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat in 2011, equipping her with a strong foundation in the arts and culture.
  • Doctorate in Literature: In 2019, Muni obtained a Doctorate in Literature with a specialization in Literary Criticism from Mohammed V University, Morocco. Her dedication to her studies is evident in her five-year academic pursuit at Mohammed V University starting in 2013.

Muni Habrass Al-Salimiya's journey is a testament to her unwavering dedication to the cultural and literary enrichment of Oman. Her impressive body of work, scholarly contributions, and her recent accolades demonstrate her pivotal role in promoting and preserving Oman's rich cultural heritage.

Aida Galymqyzy Balaeva

About Aida Balayeva: Aida Balayeva, born on July 4, 1974, is a prominent Kazakhstani politician with an illustrious career in public service. Currently, she serves as the Deputy Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Aida's journey in the world of politics and public administration has been marked by dedication and excellence.


  • Place of Residence: Astana, Kazakhstan
  • Place of Birth: Jambyl, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Age: 48 years

Educational Background: Aida Balayeva's academic journey is a testament to her commitment to knowledge and learning. She graduated from the National Education University of Kazakhstan with a degree in Russian Language and Literature in the year 2000. Later, in 2007, she earned a degree in Law from the National Agricultural University of Kazakhstan.

Career Highlights: Aida Balayeva's career is a series of remarkable achievements and contributions to her nation. Here are the key milestones in her professional journey:

  • Deputy Chief of Staff of the President: Aida has held the position of Deputy Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan since November 2022.
  • Minister of Information and Public Development: From May 2020 to November 2022, Aida served as the Minister of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Assistant to the President: In 2019, Aida served as the Assistant to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where she led the Department for Reviewing Appeals.
  • Political Council Member: Aida Balayeva was a member of the Political Council of the Amanat Party in 2019.
  • Minister of Internal Policy: From 2014 to 2019, she held the position of Minister of Internal Policy in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Deputy Akim (Mayor) of Astana: Aida's public service journey began as the Deputy Akim (Mayor) of Astana, a role she held from 2010 to 2014.
  • Leadership Roles in Domestic Policy: Her dedication to public policy is evident in her leadership roles, including Head of the Domestic Policy Department in the city of Astana from 2008 to 2010, Director of the Domestic Policy Department in the city of Almaty from 2006 to 2008, and Deputy Head of the Domestic Policy Department in the city of Almaty from 2004 to 2006.
  • Early Career: Aida Balayeva's career started with key roles at the Ministry of Social and Political Analysis of the Regional Information Agency in Almaty and the Ministry of Information and Public Consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She served as the Head of the Information Department in Almaty from 1999 to 2004.

Personal Life: Aida Balayeva is married and has three children, a testament to her ability to balance a demanding career with her family life.

Aida Balayeva's journey is one of unwavering commitment to the service of her country, and her accomplishments reflect her dedication to her work and her people. Her continued contributions in her role as the Deputy Chief of Staff of the President further underscore her commitment to Kazakhstan's progress and development.

Malika Hamidi

Malika Hamidi is a highly regarded French sociologist who has devoted her life to advocating for women's rights. With a stellar reputation in her field and a deep passion for the empowerment of women, she stands as a prominent figure in the world of sociology and activism.

Personal Details
  • Name: Malika Hamidi
  • Date of Birth: December 24, 1973
  • Place of Birth: Mulhouse, France
  • Marital Status: Married and a mother of two children.

Professional Background

Malika Hamidi is a renowned French sociologist and a prominent women's rights activist. She has contributed significantly to the field of Islamic feminism, authoring numerous articles and speaking internationally for over a decade on subjects like European Islam, citizenship, Islamic feminism, and the identity of European Muslim women.

Educational Accomplishments

  • Malika Hamidi holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and a Ph.D. in Islamic Feminism from the University of Nkahi Paris (2007-2014).
  • She is currently pursuing a post-doctoral degree at a Belgian university.

Published Works

Malika Hamidi is the author of the following books:

  • "A Muslim Feminism and Why Not" (2017)
  • "Muslim Feminism in Europe" (2015)
  • A prolific writer and a Muslim feminist sociologist.

International Speaker

  • Renowned for her international lectures on topics such as European Islam, Islamic feminism, and the identity of European Muslim women.

Islamic Feminism Researcher

  • Actively engaged in research related to Islamic feminism.

Diverse Participation

  • Active involvement in various organizations.
  • Associate Professor and Researcher at the Laboratory for the Analysis of Societies and Powers of Africa at Gaston Berger University in Saint-Louis, Senegal.
  • Associate Professor and Researcher at C.E.S.I.R, Université Saint-Louis Brussels.
  • CEO of the European Muslim Think Tank.
  • Member of the Steering Committee for Forgotten Muslim Women.
  • Honorary Chairperson of the non-governmental organization POSEH (Pour un Sourire d'Enfants Handicapes) in Niger, dedicated to assisting disabled children in schools.

Women's Rights Activist and Sociologist

  • Recognized as an active advocate for women's rights and an accomplished sociologist.

This page serves as an introduction to Malika Hamidi, highlighting her extensive academic background, contributions to Islamic feminism, and her dedication to advancing women's rights on an international stage. For further information or inquiries about Malika Hamidi, please refer to the provided contact information.

Aruzhan Sain

Aruzhan Sain, as a multi-talented individual has made significant contributions to various fields. Aruzhan is known for her roles as a television presenter, actress, and producer, captivating audiences with her charisma and talent. Beyond her work in the entertainment industry, she is a dedicated civil activist, using her influence and resources to make a positive impact on society.

Personal Background

  • Date of Birth: 10th August 1976
  • Education: Al-Farabi National University of Kazakhstan – Geography
  • Marital Status: Married, with two daughters named Diana and Sofia

Occupational Background

  • Television Presenter: Aruzhan Sain has made a name for herself as a television presenter, captivating audiences with her charisma and on-screen presence.
  • Actress: She has showcased her versatile talent as an actress, delivering memorable performances that resonate with viewers.
  • Producer: Aruzhan has not only graced the screen but also played a significant role behind it as a producer, contributing to the creation of captivating content.
  • Civil Activist: In addition to her work in the entertainment industry, she has passionately dedicated herself to civil activism, making a positive impact on society.

Awards and Honors

  • In 2012 and 2015, Aruzhan Sain was recognized as the recipient of the National People's Favorite Personality Award in Kazakhstan, a testament to her popularity and influence.
  • On December 9, 2019, her outstanding humanitarian efforts earned her the prestigious Order of Kurmet, awarded by the President of the Government of Kazakhstan.
  • She was nominated for the Altin Jurek Award in recognition of her remarkable humanitarian activities and her commitment to caring for the disabled.

Notable Works

  • Founder of Arujan Production Center (1994): Aruzhan established the Arujan production center, a hub for creativity and artistic expression, contributing to the entertainment industry's growth.
  • Managing Director and Producer of Arujan Production Center: She takes on the role of managing director and producer, steering the center toward success and innovation.
  • Founder of the Charity Foundation of the Volunteers Association (Rahmat) (2006): Aruzhan's philanthropic spirit led her to create the Charity Foundation of the Volunteers Association, providing support and care for sick children in the form of an orphanage.

Aruzhan Sain's diverse career and her unwavering commitment to humanitarian causes showcase her as an influential figure in Kazakhstan, leaving a lasting impact on the world of entertainment and the lives of those she touches through her charitable endeavors.


Mahjabeen Sheran

Mahjabeen Sheran is a dynamic and influential leader hailing from the heart of Balochistan, Pakistan. With a relentless commitment to serving her community, she has made significant contributions in various roles within the political landscape. Explore this page to learn more about her inspiring journey and impactful initiatives.


  • Birthplace: Kech, Balochistan, Pakistan
  • Current Residence: Balochistan, Pakistan

Political Achievements

  1. Balochistan Assembly Member (2018 - Present)
    • Elected as a dedicated representative for the Balochistan Assembly, where she tirelessly champions the needs and aspirations of her constituents.
  2. Secretary for Women's Development in Parliament
    • As the Secretary for Women's Development, Mahjabeen advocates for women's rights, empowerment, and development within the legislative framework.
  3. Secretary for Environmental and Climate Change in the Region
    • In her role as the Secretary for Environmental and Climate Change, she addresses environmental and climate challenges to ensure a sustainable and thriving future for Balochistan.
  4. Central Leader of the Balochistan People's Party
    • Mahjabeen Sheran holds a central leadership position within the Balochistan People's Party, where she actively shapes the party's direction and political influence.
  5. Parliamentary Secretary
    • Her service as a parliamentary secretary within the Balochistan People's Party underscores her dedication to legislative matters and public service.

Notable Initiatives

  • Advocate for Freedom and Gender Equality in Pakistan
    • A fervent advocate for freedom and gender equality, Mahjabeen actively works to promote inclusivity and equality throughout Pakistan.
  • Campaign for Childcare Centers in Assemblies
    • Mahjabeen initiated a groundbreaking campaign to establish childcare centers within Pakistan's legislative assemblies, garnering support from government, media, and the public.
  • Legislation for Childcare Centers
    • Her efforts led to the approval of a bill in the National Assembly, mandating the creation of childcare centers for organizations with 25 or more employees, fostering a work-life balance for employees.
  • Promoter of Women's Rights and Participation
    • Mahjabeen Sheran actively engages in sessions and discussions addressing violence against women and enhancing women's participation in all facets of society.

Personal Note

Mahjabeen Sheran's unwavering dedication and significant contributions to advancing women's rights and gender equality, along with her influential political role, make her a respected and admired figure in Balochistan.

Family Background

  • Tragically, her brother, Jamal Sheran Baloch, was martyred in a suicide terrorist attack in Peshawar on July 17, 2017.

Khanum Syeda Tayyaba

Khanum Syeda Tayyaba Bukhari is a world renowned personality gifted with many varied and valuable attributes.  She is a highly educated religious scholar, well versed in the Holy Qur’an,  Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence and Islamic History having spent around 15 years, from 1984 – 1998, gaining specialist education in these subjects.  Her education began at the age of 9 in Qum, the educational capital of Iran.
Madam Bukhari is an eloquent and talented speaker fluent in six languages; Urdu, Arabic, Persian, English, Punjabi and Siraiki and makes regular appearances before both live audiences and the camera for recorded and also live broadcasts on a variety of different international television channels.
Khanum spends much of her time tirelessly working for the poor and needy providing food and shelter as well as education for the masses.  This influence was gained from being brought up in a religious family unit with both parents active in the social service of the people and thus, there never seemed to be a career path more fitting.
Where other people would stop upon recognition, Khanum strives to take one step further and when asked what motivates her, her answer is simple and selfless, “The satisfaction lies in serving God’s creation”.

Educational Background
Khanum Syeda Tayyaba Bukhari has been gifted with comprehensive knowledge and expert understanding of the Holy Quran, Nahjul Balagha, Sahifa-e-Kamila, Islamic Law, Hadith and Islamic history.  She undertook her specialist studies at the University of Qum under the expert guidance of luminaries such as Ayatollah Qazi Zahidi, Ayatollah Tehrani, Ayatollah Fazil (Marja-e-Taqleed), Ayatollah Abbasi, Agha Amin, Ghulam Raza Moosvi & Agha Mehmoodito name but a few.  Until 1998, she was resident in Iran and upon relocating to Pakistan, Khanum continued to pursue her studies.  In 2002, she successfully graduated with a Bachelors degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies and then in 2004, Khanum obtained a Masters degree in Arabic from the well known establishment “Wifaq ul Madaris”.  Regardless of her established status and worldwide recognition, Khanum continues to study towards her Doctorate which will be awarded from the University of Qum, Iran.
Khanum is well versed in 6 languages; Arabic, English, Persian, Urdu, Punjabi and Siraiki and isan accomplished lecturer having visited no less than 49 cities in 14 different countries to lecture in one of the variety of languages she has mastered.  She has been invited upon special request to communities all over the world and many commendations have been received from community leaders worldwide. Khanum has also worked selflessly travelling to many different areas in Pakistan although the journey may be long and gruelling; cities and villages in Pakistan include areas such as Quetta, Karachi, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Tando Mohd Khan, D I Khan, Peshawar, Attock, Multan, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Gujrat, Lalamusa, Sialkot, Lahore, Faisalabad, Jhelum, D G Khan, Muzaffargarh, Sangharr, Nawabshah, Mirpur Khaas, Hyderabad, Wah and Taxila.
Internationally, Khanum has captivated audiences in: the USA (Hawaii, Austin, Chicago, California, Los Angeles, New York, New Jersey, Houston and Pennsylvania), the UK (Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Manchester, Newport, London, Northampton and Slough), the United Arab Emirates(Umm Ul Qawain, Ajmaan, Raasul Khaimah, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah), Canada (Toronto, Mississauga, Montreal and London), Germany (Frankfurt), France (Paris), Azerbaijan (Bako), Oman, Muscat, Qatar, Australia (Sydney), Norway (Oslo), Turkey (Istanbul and Ankara), Iran (Mashhad, Tehran, Qum, Isfahan, Zahidan etc.), Iraq(Najaf, Karbala, Kazmain, Baghdad and Samarra), Syria (Damascus and Halab), the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Jeddah, Makkah and Madina), Tanzania (Dar es Salam, Zanzibar and Bagamoyo), China(Beijing and Urumqi) and Kenya (Nairobi and Mombasa).
As well as Khanum’s phenomenal oratory experience, there are many other impressive aspects of Khanum’s work history.  One of these is her never-ending quest for social justice.  Many years ago, she founded the well known charitable organisation, Bukhari Relief Foundation, a non-governmental organisation,  and has since worked tirelessly towards helping people all over Pakistan that have been displaced by major natural disasters such as the earthquake of 2005 and then the floods of 2010 & 2011, both of which events changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.  BRF, under the leadership of Madam Bukhari visited affected areas such a Rajinpur, Jampur, Layyah, D G Khan, Sangharr, Nawabshah, Mirpur Khas, Hyderabad,Muzaffargarh, D.I. Khan, Noshera, Pabbi, Sukkhar, Jacobabad, Quetta and Gilgit in order to distribute aid directly to those in need of it.  Amongst Madam Bukhari’s main aims for the future, there is much emphasis on the objectives to be achieved by BRF. If there is hope for tomorrow, it comes in the form of Khanum Syeda Tayyaba Bukhari and her heartfelt efforts.
As a passionate and dedicated social welfare worker, Khanum is committed to reaching out to people in order to provide them with the support and opportunity they require.  In the hope of providing people with a chance at a better future, Khanum Bukhari has arranged the mass weddings of many couples where under normal circumstances, families would not have been able to afford this.  She is not only Chief Executive Officer for BRF but also supports other organisations that engage in efforts to ameliorate society.  Having dealt with simple and also complex cases where she has spent much time and resources in resolving matters, Khanum has acquired a reputation for being an exemplary humanitarian and one of the greatest of her time at that.
Due to Khanum’s extraordinary social and theological awareness, she has the ability to penetrate the most unyielding of minds, coupled with her flair for writing; her literary prowess has been displayed in her regular contributions as columnist for national Urdu paper, “Daily Jang” (Pakistan).  Madam Bukhari has also contributed the content to a book published in Toronto, Canada entitled “Tohfa E Abbas” which has been widely distributed and is also available on the internet.
Khanum is regularly approached by various television channels to appear on religious, discussion, news and social welfare programmes.  There are shows dedicated solely to her religious knowledge such as “Noor e Baseerat”, “Ujalon ka Safar”, “Safar e Karbala”, “Rah e Hidayat”& “Majalis e Aza”.   Khanum’s programmes are both recorded and live and highly appreciated by viewers.  During special periods such as Ramadhan and Muharram, there is high demand for more airtime for Khanum and regardless of her uncountable other commitments, Khanum considers the distribution of knowledge her duty.  Due to her extensive insight into current affairs, Madam Bukhari is a regular guest on various talk shows broadcast from many channels such as GEO, PTV News, PTV Global and PTV Home.  On her many international visits, Khanum has made special appearances on channels in the UK such as Hidayat TV and Wilayat TV in the USA.  She is a much sought after guest and due to her excellent control of many languages, her programmes draw in hundreds and thousands of viewers worldwide.  Khanum’s support for harmonious mutual co-existence has gained her much admiration and well deserved respect with people of all faiths and beliefs following her every word.

Amany Burhanuddin Umar Lubis 

Amany Burhanuddin Umar Lubis (born December 22, 1963) is an Indonesian Muslim, female scholar of Mandailing-Egyptian descent. As an Islamic scholar, Amany was appointed as chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council for Women, Youth and Families for the 2015–2020 period. On January 7, 2019, she was appointed as rector of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta by the minister of religion affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin. Her new position made her as the first woman who served as chancellor of the largest Islamic university in Indonesia, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Amany Lubis was born as the first child of four siblings. Her father was a man from Medan with Mandailing Batak blood named Burhanuddin Umar Lubis, while her mother was an Egyptian woman named Nabilah ‘Abdel Fattah.

Her father, Burhanuddin, was a graduate of University of Baghdad in the 1960s. Whereas her mother, Nabilah, was a graduate of Cairo University, majoring in Library and Achievement, Nabilah then continued her master and doctoral studies at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic Institute in Jakarta (IAIN Jakarta, UIN Jakarta in present day) in the field of Islamic studies (postgraduate program) and philology (doctoral program). Nabilah was the first female doctorate at IAIN Jakarta in 1992. After becoming a doctor, two years later Prof. Quraish Shihab, as Rector of IAIN Jakarta, then appointed her as Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities.

In addition to UIN Jakarta, Amany also actively teaches at the Postgraduate School of Strategic and Global Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at the University of Indonesia. As a lecturer, Amany still had time to write many works and was active as a resource person in various forums. At least until now he has explored 30 countries on five continents.

Moreover, she was a member of the Board of Trusees Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies, Abu Dhabi in 2016-2020. Therefore, it is not surprising if the Deputy Editor in Chief of Halo Indonesia Magazine is often seen filling out international level seminars and being a guest speaker on several private television stations as well as being active as an Arabic-English-Indonesian interpreter at national and international forum. (USA)

Maya Kapanadze

She is a professor at Caucasus International University and the director of the scientific center for the analysis of Georgia-Iran relations.
She has a doctorate in historical sciences
She is married but has no children.
work experience :
Associate Professor of CIU Faculty of Social Sciences
Director of the Scientific Analytical Center of Georgia-Iran Relations, June 2018 until now, Caucasus International University, Associate Professor, February 2012 until now
Education: PhD in historical sciences
MA in history from 1992 to 2005 from Sakhelmtsipo University

Seyedeh Tayebeh Bokhari

Religious Scholar, Orator, and Founder-CEO of the Bakari Aid Foundation

Born on August 15, 1974, in Faisalabad, the third-largest city in Pakistan, she is the daughter of Syed Hussain Bakari and Fatima Sabzwari. She is the youngest of his siblings, having three brothers and three sisters. Her religious affiliation is Shia.

In 1984, she embarked on an educational journey to Qom, Iran, where she pursued higher studies at Al-Zahra University. Her academic pursuits covered various subjects, including Arabic, Persian, Islamic studies, principles of jurisprudence, exegesis, philosophy, and history. She achieved a Master's and Honorary Doctorate degree from there.

Returning to Pakistan after 1998, she completed her Bachelor's in Arabic and Islamic Studies and a Master's in Arabic from the renowned Wafaq-ul-Madaris Institute.

As a renowned orator, she has delivered speeches in more than 49 cities across 14 different countries.

Some of the awards she has received during her years of active service include:

- Quran Hakeem Award in 2007, presented to her by the Institute of Islamic Knowledge. This marked the first time the award was bestowed upon a female researcher.
- Allama Rashed Turabi Centenary Award in 2009, where she was nominated alongside numerous prominent scholars from around the world, with she ultimately being selected as the most deserving female scholar.
- Quran Hakeem Award, Karachi, in 2011, granted by the IIT Institute.
- Remarkable Women Award in 2012 by the National Heroes Foundation.

She currently holds the position of CEO at the Bokhari Aid Foundation, a non-governmental charitable organization established in June 2011.

Tapani Adser Chai

Tapani Adser Chai is a renowned Thai presenter and news anchor. Currently, she is working as a news producer in the online media outlet, The Reporters TV, and shares her news broadcasts on Facebook and YouTube.

She was born on July 14, 1977, in the Na Mom region of Songkhla province, Thailand. She pursued her undergraduate studies in Public Administration at Songkhla University.

Tapani also serves as a field reporter for the news program "Khao Sam Miti" on HD3 Thailand channel.


  • Outstanding Field Reporter Award in 2010
  • Thepthong Award in 2010 from the Thai Radio and Television Association, under royal patronage.
  • Outstanding Media Award in 2010 from the National Council for Women, under royal patronage.
  • Human Rights Media Awards in 2015 from Amnesty International.

Tapani Adser Chai has made significant contributions to the field of journalism and has received numerous prestigious awards for her work.

Goharshad Begum

Goharshad Begum (780 - 9 Ramadan 861 AH), revered as Goharshad Agha and Mahdalia, stands as an eminent figure among the noble women of Turk descent and influential politicians of the Timurid period. Her legacy is synonymous with power, benevolence, wealth, courtesy, artistry, and wisdom. As the wife of Timurid Sultan Shahrukh, Goharshad played a pivotal role in shaping the cultural landscape of the Timurid court.

Cultural Patronage: Goharshad Begum, alongside Sultan Shahrukh, ushered in a cultural renaissance during their 43-year rule over significant parts of Iran. Notably, they transferred the Timurid capital from Samarkand to Herat in 1405 AD. Under Goharshad's influential support, the Persian language and Iranian culture took center stage in the Timurid court.

Support for the Arts: The Timurid court, under Goharshad's patronage, became a hub for artistic expression. Renowned figures like Abdul Rahman Jami found unwavering support from Goharshad Begum. Her interest in history and literature extended to having Mehri Heravi, a notable poetess of the 9th century, as her companion and servant.

Architectural Legacy: Goharshad's impact is eternally engraved in the architectural wonders of the Timurid era. Herat, Afghanistan, and Mashhad, Iran, boast enduring structures like the Goharshad Jame Mosque, School, and Monastery. These masterpieces, collectively known as "Goharshad Mosque," showcase the zenith of architectural and tiling artistry of the 9th century.

Charitable Works: Goharshad's philanthropic endeavors extended to the shrine of Imam Reza, where she contributed valuable works, including the creation of the "Dar al-Hafaz" and "Dar al-Siadeh" porticoes. The architect behind these marvels, as well as the mosques in Herat and Mashhad, was Qawamuddin Shirazi.

Legacy and Tragic End: Goharshad Begum's enduring legacy was tragically marked by her demise on the 9th of Ramadan in the year 861 AH/19 July 1457 AD. At the age of over 80, she fell victim to a collective conspiracy during the rebellion of Mirza Abul Qasim Babur. Goharshad was buried next to her son Prince Baisenqormirza and her husband Sultan Shahrukh Timuri in the Goharshad School and Mosque complex in Herat.

The life of Goharshad Begum is a testament to the transformative power of cultural patronage and philanthropy. Her enduring contributions in the realms of art, architecture, and literature solidify her place as a central figure in the illustrious history of the Timurid period.

Ayatollah Zohreh Sefati

Ayatollah Zohreh Sefati stands as a remarkable Mujtahida, making significant contributions to religious scholarship and cultural reforms. Her journey reflects a commitment to education, jurisprudence, and the empowerment of women in the theological realm.

Early Life and Education: Born in Abadan, Iran, in 1948, Ayatollah Zohreh Sefati was raised in a devoutly religious family. Her educational journey began with high school-level subjects studied at home, followed by enrollment in a theology school in 1966. Preliminary lessons in jurisprudence, literature, and Islamic sciences in Abadan laid the foundation for her deeper studies.

In 1970, Sefati ventured to Qom Theology School, where she became a student of renowned scholars such as Ayatollah Shahidi, Ayatollah Haqqi, Ayatollah Ali Meshkini, and Ayatollah Mohammad Hassan Ahmadi Faqih, who later became her husband. Sefati's dedication and scholarly pursuits led her to achieve the highest jurisprudence degree, Ijtihad, a rare accomplishment for women. This distinction was endorsed by esteemed Ayatollahs, including Ali Yari Gharavi-Tabrizi, Safi Gulpaygani, Fazel Lankarani, and Mohammad Hassan Ahmadi Faqih.

Educational Leadership: Ayatollah Zohreh Sefati co-founded a theology school in Qom, later known as Maktab-e Tawhid, specifically dedicated to women. This initiative underscored her commitment to the education and empowerment of women in the theological and jurisprudential spheres.

Cultural and Jurisprudential Advocacy: As a member of the Women’s Socio-Cultural Council and a representative to the Supreme Council of Cultural Reforms, Ayatollah Zohreh Sefati has played a pivotal role in advocating for cultural and societal transformations. Her presence in these influential councils underscores the importance of diverse perspectives in shaping cultural policies.

Views on Mujtahid and Source of Emulation: Ayatollah Sefati, alongside some male jurists like Yousef Saanei, holds the belief that a female Mujtahid can become a source of emulation (a marja), challenging traditional norms. This perspective advocates for both men and women to perform taqlid (emulation) of a woman Mujtahid. It's worth noting that while Sefati and like-minded scholars support this view, the majority of Shiite Mujtahids maintain that women cannot become marjas.

Ayatollah Zohreh Sefati's life and work exemplify a commitment to education, gender empowerment, and the reform of cultural and jurisprudential norms. Her legacy as a Mujtahida and advocate for women's roles in religious scholarship continues to inspire and shape discussions within the Islamic scholarly community.