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The Hawwa Scientific Educational Course

In today’s world, the existence of unique opportunities for women in the international arena is an unparalleled chance that enables the enhancement of their culture and skills. By participating and collaborating in international fields, women can play an influential role in global transformations and achieve remarkable success.

Familiarity with their own and each other’s capabilities and strengths in the international arena, as a powerful tool, helps them achieve the best results. Understanding capabilities and strengths in the international cultural domain not only aids in improving individual skills but also leads to progress and excellence in all areas of social life. This awareness of obstacles and opportunities in the international world allows women to actively contribute to global structures, utilizing their cultural capabilities, and have a significant impact on positive and dynamic changes in international society.

In this regard, the Goharshad Foundation, Mashhad Branch, held the first international scientific educational course on “Hawwa” in collaboration with the Scientific Research Institute of Narges School, focusing on topics such as Quranic interpretation, women’s issues, education, the ideology of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, and medicine and health in the holy cities of Mashhad and Qom. The course aimed to enrich educational knowledge, elevate knowledge levels in various fields, establish international networking, and create opportunities for cultural and educational exchange. The course spanned 15 days and featured the participation of elite women from the University of Jakarta, Indonesia.

The course, conducted through 12 classroom seminars with the presence of top international professors in women’s studies, psychology, and health, concluded with approximately 30 hours of education, achieving the highest satisfaction rate among participants.

Topics covered in the course included Islamic feminism, critique of development and capitalism models for the growth and empowerment of women, explanation of the aesthetic transformation model, foundations of the philosophy of hijab from the perspective of Shia wisdom, the role and management of ideology in the family, a comparative look at sexual and gender identity from scientific and Quranic perspectives, ethical care: excellence in compassion in interaction with others, professional ethics, and an explanatory presentation of the transformative aesthetics theory and its levels in the Quran.

The course also included visits to the mausoleum of Imam Mohammad Ghazali, the mausoleum of Ferdowsi, the city of Neyshabur, the turquoise mine, Ferdowsi University, the museum and holy shrine of Razavi, the museum and shrine of Hazrat Masoumeh, Jamkaran, and meetings with the Secretary of the Council for Transformation and Innovation in the country’s educational system, the head of the country’s seminaries, and the presidents of the Al-Mustafa in Qom and Mashhad.

Closing Ceremony: The conclusion of the “Hawwa” educational course was accompanied by the exchange of experiences and cultural enrichment between Iran and Indonesia. The event aimed to create a strong network for future collaborations, and certificates were presented to the participants, marking the end of this educational course.

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