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Strategies for dealing with disobedient and rebellious children

If you are one of the parents of a disobedient child, then you need to know how to properly handle these individuals.

✅ Show respect and companionship

If you have a disobedient child, you should show them that you are not acting defensively. You listen to their requests, show them respect, and understand them. Therefore, you don’t have to always yell at them or exhibit strange behavior. You should reassure your child that you are not against them, but rather you are alongside them and respect their beliefs and desires.

✅ Listen to them

It is very important to listen to your children’s words. Disobedient children become nervous and frustrated when they see that others do not listen to their words or take them seriously. You should try to listen to what they say, talk with them, exchange opinions, and bring logic and reasoning to each other.

✅ Identify triggers

Pay attention to your child’s behavior and see what things trigger their irritability and what things lead to arguments between you. When you identify these triggers, you can control them to a large extent and prevent arguments, resulting in a calmer environment and reducing the likelihood of disobedience from your child.

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