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Promises you should not make to your child!

🚫 “I promise it won’t hurt.” You should know that pain is an internal matter, so when they’re putting on your bandage, it may not matter much to you, but your child feels differently. Instead of promising that it won’t hurt at all, say that it might sting a bit but it’ll be over soon.

🚫 “I promise I’ll be home before you go to bed.” Be cautious about situations and circumstances that are beyond your control—like traffic and last-minute meetings. Instead, say: “I promise I’ll try my best to be home before you go to bed.”

🚫 “I promise we’ll go to the park and play with your friend next week, but not today.” Children always remember details. If you say next week, they’ll remember. Try to offer a more realistic option: “Let me talk to mom and see if we can plan a park visit.”

🚫 “I promise if you tidy up your room, I’ll buy you ice cream.” Bribing your child doesn’t teach them self-sufficiency. Forget promising and bribing, instead help them understand the consequences. For instance, say something like: “Pick up your toys so they don’t get broken.”

🚫 “I promise if you do your homework, you’ll be the smartest kid in class.” Help them understand the value of learning, not just striving to be the best. It’s better to say: “Doing your homework helps you grow and learn a lot of things.”

🚫 “I promise tomorrow will be a better day.” Parents want to make everything better for their children, but sometimes what kids need most is to have their feelings understood and accepted. A better phrase is: “It seems like today was a tough day for you.”

🚫 “I promise we’ll go on a trip for your birthday next time.” Your child desperately wants something special from you, and you desperately want to give it to them, but big expensive things like trips require money and planning. Involve your child in the planning so they understand its scope. For example, say: “I think you’ll have a lot of fun on this trip. Let’s save up for it together.”

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